Monday, June 4, 2012

[E3] Microsoft Press Conference

Breaking news. Microsoft announces WiiU for the Xbox 360.

But in all seriousness, despite starting with Halo 4 and ending with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, the Microsoft panel has been nothing but a huge casual-fest with all the new Xbox entertainment products coming like Xbox Sport Center, Xbox Music, Xbox SmartGlass, IE for Xbox, Nike+ Kinect, and games like Wreckateer and Dance Central 3's mini Usher concert.

Post Press Conference: Gears of Wars: Judgment announced. Why did this not get its own segment in the Microsoft conference?

Saturday, June 2, 2012

[Programming] Debugging

You never realize how bad you are at programming until you're forced to do it without an error log.

One of my group mates and I were working on some PHP code during lab and for some unknown reason, the lab computers don't have a local web server installed on them so we were forced to debug it the hard way.

We basically commented the entire program, un-commented a line of code, uploaded it to the school server, and checked to see if the program broke. If so, we'd go in to investigate what was wrong with that line.

Not fun. Would not want to do that again. Will probably have to though.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

[Gaming] The Last Remnant

A while ago, when The Last Remnant was featured in a Steam sale, I ended up spending a lot of time reading reviews and whatnot seeing as how the game for poor to mediocre reviews on both the Xbox 360 and PC versions. It was only until this week that I actually sat down and installed the game for play.

I was somewhat skeptical at first due to all the (bad) things I've about the game but I've been playing it for the past couple of days and I'd have to say that it's pretty damn fun.
I can't say that I've gotten far in the game, but the story doesn't seem like it'll get good anytime soon; however, the thing that got me addicted would be the battle system.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

[Programming] Javascript: Calling 3 Functions Synchronously

Personally, I have no idea why I'm putting programming on this blog. This wouldn't seem like the place to post programming questions and help; however, I feel like when I talk aloud to myself or type down extensive notes and comments, it helps me think and figure out problems I couldn't solve by simply staring at them.

The problem I'm currently having with one of my projects involves 3 functions that are running asynchronously (all at once) while I want them to run synchronously (one after the other).

Monday, May 28, 2012

[Gaming] Pokemon Black & White 2

Being a grown man at the age of 22, I find it somewhat unsettling how excited I am for the upcoming release of Pokemon Black and White 2 especially due to how disappointed I was in the first one.